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Fakultät Sozialwissenschaften

Inequalities in informal caregiving over the adult life course in Europe: social participation, health and the influence of Covid-19

Förderung: BMBF im Rahmen des Joint Programme Initiative More Years Better Lives

Leitung: Christian Deindl & Morten Wahrendorf (UKD)

Mitarbeiter: Markus King

Laufzeit: 15.04.2021-14.04.2024


  • King, M. K., Xue, B., Lacey, R., Gessa, G. D., Wahrendorf, M., McMunn, A., & Deindl, C. (2023). Does young adulthood caring influence educational attainment and employment in the UK and Germany? Journal of Social Policy. doi.org/10.1017/S0047279423000454
  • Xue, B., King, M. K., Deindl, C., Lacey, R., Gessa, G. D., McMunn, A. (accepted). Do health and well-being change around the transition to informal caring in early adulthood? A longitudinal comparison between the UK and Germany. Journal of Adolescent Health




  • Inequalities in young adult caregivers in Germany and the UK. Markus King, Baowen Xue, Rebecca Lacey, Giorgio Di Gessa, Christian Deindl & Anne McMunn. RC28 Meeting in London, April
  • Die Übernahme von Pflegeaufgaben in jungen Jahren. Auswirkungen auf Gesundheit und Lebenszufriedenheit. Markus King & Christian Deindl. Gemeinsame Jahrestagung der DGSMP und DGMS in Magdeburg, September
  • Young Adult Care and Educational Outcomes in Europe. Christian Deindl, Markus King, Baowen Xue, Rebecca Lacey, Giorgio Di Gessa, Anne McMunn, Jeroen Spijker, Mariona Lozano Riera, Elisenda Renteria Perez, Thomas Hansen, Margarete Vollrath, Ragnhild Bang Nes, Kamila Hynek. 2022 International Annual Conference of the Society for Longitudinal and Lifecourse Studies in Cleveland, Oktober


  • Symposium: Care, Wellbeing and Social Policy across the Life-Course in Europe. Mit Jeroen Spijker & Jens Abbing (11th Conference of the European Society on Family Relations in Roskilde, Dänemark)
  • Symposium: Young Adults Carers. Mit Baowen Xue & Rebecca Lacey (Understanding Society Scientific Conference in Colchester, UK)
  • Employment and Family Histories and Informal Caregiving in Later Life in Europe, Christian Deindl, Giorgio Di Gessa, Rebecca Lacey, Baowen Xue, Anne McMunn, Morten Wahrendorf, Maike van Damme, Jeroen Spijker, 2023 International Annual Conference of the Society for Longitudinal and Lifecourse Studies in München, Oktober
  • Employment and Family Histories and Informal Caregiving in Later Life in Europe, Christian Deindl, Giorgio Di Gessa, Rebecca Lacey, Baowen Xue, Anne McMunn, Morten Wahrendorf, Maike van Damme, Jeroen Spijker, Lives Conference in Lausanne, November